A blog to organize thoughts, videos, pictures and articles without obliterating my hard drive.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Eat This Shit Up

So I didn't write this. my friend, ricker, had this as a blog on his myspace, that i just read, his mom sent him this link, and he had lots to say on it, that i very seriously agree with, and want to repost.ill quote it all under him. its all his words. and hes so right on it all ...take something in from it and LEARN FROM IT PLEASE because our world is fucking SAD and too many people are little assholes and dont give a fuck when they SHOULD.

"My mom just forwarded that to me in a chain letter and for some reason it struck a big chord. The last innocent generation, the sixties. Your parents went through it, and you are undeniably a product of it. Growing up in our time everybody seems to be either in a mindset of loss or despair or just total apathy, and it's scary. Nothing is new anymore, nothing is fresh. We bury our wonder in technology. We waste our time in social networking websites instead of hanging out with bodies of mind and flesh. Feelings and vibrations and true connections are reduced to text - powerless words - on a glowing box. We seem to be stuck in the situation where all the news we ever hear and the things we are dictated to believe are all negative. The planet is in toil. We're overpopulating. People are living longer and becoming sadder. Gas is outrageous. Power consumption is outrageous, blah blah blah. We're sick of hearing about it but we put our heads down and most likely try to ignore it. Global warming, the earth is dying. SOS - save our fucking ship.
I think at the core of it all is that people have lost their sense of wonder. If you need to know anything, you Google it. If you need to get somewhere, you Google map it. You hit the traffic button and stress about the red lines or the orange one or the green one. If even Google doesn't know, it doesn't exist. If you want to purchase something, you can just buy it online. The outdoors have become the enemy. We sit in cars when we're outside. We walk from the front door through the driveway or parking lot and enter the vehicle. We look through windows at other people looking through windows at us. Enemies - idiots - traffic! We're concerned with getting to the destination and ignore everything in between.
Everyone has become a threat. The person walking towards you on the street better not look at you. That bastard, that weirdo, that bum. We walk past each other more frequently than not without a smile or a nod. Everybody is internalized, confused, lost, desperate. When in reality it doesn't have to be that way. It's to the point where we have three options: the first to being the easiest: the option of complaining, the option of apathy, or the third and most rarely found, the option of progress. One who complains is essentially victimizing themself over how expensive the gasoline is, the cost of living, the shitty fucking economy, how hard it is to find a job and why it's everyone else's fault but their own. And then there's the option of just being apathetic and continuing to waste and pillage and shit all over the ground and simply not care because hey, I'm gonna be dead by the time it really matters. But the fact of the matter is that you won't. Hope an progress can only come from within. Your legacy will live on whether or not you decide to have a child. We are all one. And you're the one responsible for the collective soul of this place.
I'm perturbed by the bleak outlook on life and the seemingly sad, sorry state that seems to have overtaken the vast majority of people i see. Mainstream news channels for the most part are a collection of slanderous, childish, conniving plots against other people, and disturbing stories about stabbings death and rapes in neighborhoods to keep you inside and to keep you hating or scared of everybody else. Checkout aisles are littered with magazines of our role model "celebs" performing even more childish, even more slanderous shit on each other, and we distract ourselves with that. Since the invention of the radio and even later the invention of television - it's turned into nothing but a form of mass-mind control. We hear nothing but crap news - about random acts of local neighborhood violence - and we don't hear the bigger picture. Nobody wants to go outside because they're scared. We stay in, we distract, we ignore. And the most terrible part is - going outside is what will save you. I am convinced that there are people who live entire days of their lives without once looking up at the sky. Without looking at the stars. If even just to wonder. A completely 2 dimensional view of the world. You forget that you are NOT the center of your own universe. Your problems are NOT the problems of the world. You're just a cell in a vein of a living, breathing, functioning, bigger organism called a planet! You're glued to the ground by an invisible force called gravity - tethering you to a giant, spinning, living, breathing rock filled with magma - floating somewhere amidst innumerable other celestial and massive, behemoth objects, in the most incredibly vast and indescribable place that you can't even wrap your mind around if you tried. But alas, nobody looks to the sky. All i see are clouds, smog, shit. Let's play Halo.
Maybe that's the byproduct of living in a big city. There are too many distractions. And these distractions are what make you not give a fuck about anybody but yourself. You throw your cigarette butts out the window or stomp them on the ground because it doesn't matter. Who cares. You wipe your ass with three feet of toilet paper because it's comfy and who's gonna know and who cares. You pee three drops of pee into the toilet and you flush a gallon and a half of clean water cause who cares. The bowl refills itself. You drive your car 100 yards to the store because it's easier than walking and who cares. You drink 4 plastic bottles of water per day cause it's convenient and who cares. You use plastic cups and paper plates cause you're too lazy to do the dishes and who cares. You leave the shower on for ten minutes before you get into it cause you're gonna do something else real quick and who cares. You leave every light on in the house when you go to sleep cause you're drunk or too tired to get back up out of bed and who cares. You clean your house and use a roll and a half of paper towels cause you're filthy and they're disposable to you and who cares. You set your AC to a comfortable 69 degrees even when you're not there cause it feels good to come home to and who cares. Seemingly nobody cares. Everybody does it. And it adds up.
You can blame everything on the past if you want to. "It's not my problem that the world is in such bad shape... I was born into it... I'm just here." The truth is that that's bullshit. You are the cause and solution to every problem. I'm not pointing fingers because I'm just as guilty as everyone else. And, the truth also is, that it's really not that hard to make a conscious effort to reverse the negative effects of carelessness and selfishness going on in the world around you. Recycle, reduce, reuse. It's not just a slogan on a trash can. REDUCE, my brethren, for even recycling costs money and power. Think outside of the box. Your Del Taco cup will remain a Del Taco cup for hundreds of years somewhere. The big green truck monster's don't drive around and wake you up at 9 am to pick up your garbage and make it disappear. It ends up in a giant landfill swarming with vultures and spike-tired steamrollers or as a whirlpool of needles and tires and plastic bags and traffic cones swirling around the size of the state of Texas (fact) in the Pacific ocean.
Enough of that - back to the spirit of the 60's. A time of discovery, a time of hope. A time of wonder, happiness, forward thinking, turned to COMRADERY through PROTEST, a time of people who cared about SOMETHING and CREATED CHANGE. Folk music - people who cared about each other. Corporations are never going to give a fuck about the people. Politicians don't give a fuck about you, and never will. Yet people suck at their tits like they have to. Choose your own adventure. Don't get yourself into a heap of debt and spend the rest of your life paying off the shit you bought that you don't really want or need, just cause you bought it. You don't need a gigantic house and three fancy cars and an ottoman and a plasma TV and an indestructible knife set in your kitchen to be happy. All excess becomes waste. You die alone. And whether or not you believe in an afterlife.... YOU ARE ALREADY IN IT! You die in a box and your body decomposes in the dirt and you get eaten by bugs that get eaten by bigger bugs that get eaten by bigger animals that eventually become YOU. Welcome home.
Listen to motown. Listen to oldies. Listen to the conviction in the voices of people who actually cared about something. Soul. Before the radio was (for the most part) a wasteland of voices of desperation and lack of substance. Before music was a means to an end. When music was an outlet. A plea for change. A call to action. When it was a call for help and not a cry for attention. When it was a source of power, hope and love instead of a cutthroat battle for fame and fortune and money. Before the corporations cashed in on it. When musicians still made money. And even if they did or didn't, that wasn't the point. Listen and you'll hear it. K Earth 101. I can honestly say it's my healthiest addiction. It reminds me of what matters.
So, just do it. Find use for old things. Put them on craigslist instead of throwing them into a trash heap. Ride your bike to the store. Smell the trees and the grass and feel the splat of a sprinkler on your leg and the crunch of a leaf on the ground instead of smelling the stale recycled air conditioning of your car with your cock jock or rock pop slop hogwash blasting in your ears. You might remember, if only for a second, that you're in it! You're HERE. In the mix, totally alive!This means you, mister tight pants.
This means you, mister or miss cynical. If you're a musician -- say something. Use your powers. If you're just a dude -- just do something. Put your talents and gifts and resources to use. Give instead of take. Because we're not innocent. We know what's up. Pick up a piece of trash when no one's looking. Give a bum the other half of your takeout sandwich. Make eye contact with a baby in a stroller. He/she sees you, that's for damn sure. He/she just isn't as insane as you are, yet. Connect. Be Human. Talk to the alleycats. Feed off of their energy. Feel them speaking to you. Listen to the birds. Try to remember that it's their world too. You're just the cancer upon it. Spread the love -- You don't have to be an activist... you don't have to be a hippie.. but you could try, even when no one's looking.. to be aware... to be a catalyst for change... to have hope. I'll try if you do. Let's do this. K-Earth 101.1 - peace"

(eat this shit up cause its the truest TRUTH ive read/heard in a while and im sick of all you lazy ass mother fuckers in this world. im sick of having to make up twice for your pathetic self. STOP BEING LAZY!!!!!!!!!!! start living with a purpose, its NOT HARD!!)love love love.Whitney

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